What are they?

A Code of Practice is written guideline that is set out by a professional association in order to guide its members and stakeholders towards compliance with regulatory policy.

Liquid Gas UK Codes of Practice are globally recognised, regularly updated and reviewed, making them a key point of reference for our members.

Working closely with Government guidelines, we develop tailored Codes which are compliant with the latest regulations and laws, and produced in conjunction with industry experts and Government authorities.

Our Codes of Practice have been developed for a wide variety of sectors including street food and commercial catering, the caravan and motorhome industry, fuel stations and the design and operation of LPG road tankers.

We have twenty-eight different Codes of Practice currently available. Click here for details or download our Codes Brochure here.

How are Codes of Practice developed?

Liquid Gas UK consults with Government authorities and industry experts to produce the Codes of Practice. Some of the Codes are endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) due to their complexity.

Why should you use Liquid Gas UK Codes of Practice

Our Codes of Practice provide businesses with all of the very latest safety guidance, regulation and best practice for working within the industry.

They are continually updated and support businesses with design, installation, distribution, inspection and testing.

Using our Codes and adhering to the principles will not only provide practical guidance, but will support businesses in adopting good engineering and safety practice.


The trade association for the LPG and bioLPG industry in the UK