Most* LPG & Compressed Gas brands belong to the company named on the cylinder. The cylinder owner companies now provide Civic Amenity sites and members of the British Metal Recycling Industry (BMRA) with a simplified industry-wide ‘repatriation' system for discarded gas cylinders belonging to UKLPG or the British Compressed Gas Association (BCGA) members.
If you have accumulated unwanted gas cylinders on site, please report them as below. Cylinders owned by members of UKLPG or the British Compressed Gas Association (BCGA) will then be collected by an authorised agent free of charge to civic amenity/BMRA site owners or operators.
For BOC cylinders: 0800 111 333
For Calor cylinders:0800 121 4512
For all other brands: 0800 083 9652
We have produced a poster that can be displayed at your site with these contact numbers on. A laminated copy of this poster can be ordered by phoning 0800 083 9652.
To download a copy of the poster click here.
*Important: Disposable gas cartridges, unbranded cylinders, those supplied from continental Europe and user-owned cylinders are not covered by this repatriation system and cannot be collected under its terms. However, you can still call 0800 083 9652 for specialist advice on alternative safe disposal routes.
The trade association for the LPG and bioLPG industry in the UK
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